Our school has been established since 1914 and services the Dart Creek, Machine Creek, Bracewell, Langmorn, Raglan and Hut Creek areas. The community consists of a town (population approximately 200) comprising a number of established local services and a settled rural area. Most of the employment is outside of the community at Cement Australia and Queensland Railways. The nearest town is Mt Larcom, which is approximately 7 kilometres from the school.
At the beginning of 2017, the Prep to Year 6 enrolment for Ambrose State School was 86 students. Our school has 4 classes - Prep/1, 2/3, 3/4 and 5/6, offering quality curriculum programs across the eight key learning areas.
Ambrose State School is a band 6 school located in the Central Coast District, Fitzroy Central West Queensland Region, 65 kilometres south of Rockhampton on the Bruce Highway and 35 kilometres west of Gladstone.